How would you evaluate a manager with this kind of 10-year investment performance? Terrific? Or Meh! It depends on when you got in. Sure, the 10 year numbers look terrific, but he is roughly flat with the benchmark over five years and he had a difficult 2015. What if I told you this...
Trend Model signal summary Trend Model signal: Neutral Trading model: Bullish The Trend Model is an asset allocation model which applies trend following principles based on the inputs of global stock and commodity price. In essence, it seeks to answer the question, "Is the trend in the global economy expansion (bullish) or contraction (bearish)?" My inner...
There appears to be some glitch with the formatting of the previous post. Here it is again: In a recent post, I was relatively upbeat about the near term market outlook but warned that the next recession could be very ugly (see A major bear market in 2016?). To explain, I have found three possible...
In a recent post, I was relatively upbeat about the near term market outlook but warned that the next recession could be very ugly (see A major bear market in 2016?). To explain, I have found three possible time bombs that are set to go off at the next recession: The Fed's balance sheet; A...
As stock prices have recently weakened, I have received some comments regarding the start of a bear market in 2016. To put it into context, bear markets start for one of three major fundamental reasons: War or revolution leading to a permanent loss of capital (think Confederate war bonds, or German panzers smashing through French lines on...
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