Blood is running in the oil patch

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    The troubles for Saudi Arabia are starting. Hedge funds are now starting to short the Riyal. Of course, for every short bet, there has to be a someone who is willing to go long, but, I guess, there are traders who are willing to take the long bet. So here is the rumor;
    The best asset the Saudis every owned was/is the oil and they decided to sell it short (by letting the price fall). The next asset they own is their currency. Let us watch this space, and see if there are more bets against the Riyal and how much the Saudis have to spend to defend the Riyal. It feels as though as though there is a short squeeze in oil developing somewhere around the corner.


    Saudi Arabia brought the hammer down on oil prices week after Thanks giving 2014. It has been three years since. Cam made a prescient call, of a generational bottom in oil. If investment is a life long commitment, it would be a good idea to re-evaluate oil prices now. OPEC met this week. What is the conclusion of their meeting? Is oil a sell here?


    Buy. We are just getting stated. Three years of under investment effect decades of supply.


    Thanks, your call was prescient.

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